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Welcome to the 
Me again therapy

Here you will find helpful advice about anxiety, fears and phobia's and might even dispel some of those outdated myths about hypnosis (I won't turn you into a chicken unless you want to dance around the stage at your next party like a chicken) but I can help you to overcome anxiety.

Anxiety can be life limiting, repetitive and keep you feel stuck and yet you might be interested to hear that you already have the skills to overcome it. It surprised me too! Anxiety often resides in our habits, our overthinking and the feeling of despair and fear when we try to do the thing that scares us. The feeling of anxiety like heart palpitations, profuse sweating and dizziness can make it feel life threatening but with support it is possible to feel in control of your mind and build your confidence to take on your deepest fears. 

If there are any questions that you want answered in Me again therapy's next blog do get in touch and we will do our very best to answer them email: 

For additional resources (some of which have benefitted 1:1 clients) check out Resources page for more in-depth research and practical techniques to tackle anxiety yourself  

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