Me again therapy
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Hypnosis is a natural and relaxed state which is part of everyday life, when you drive home and arrive without realising how you have got there, or perhaps when watching the TV, you don’t hear a family member talking to you. These are natural states of hypnosis you have already experienced.
Hypnosis is best described as a highly focused state of attention where behaviours, thoughts and beliefs can change through direct or indirect suggestions. Whilst your day to day decisions are made consciously, your values and habits are stored in the subconscious mind. Hypnotherapy allows you to access your subconscious mind and update your beliefs which no longer serve a purpose and make positive changes in your life.
Hypnotherapists make suggestions aligned with your goals. If the suggestion suits you, you are likely to accept the suggestion subconsciously. And because it is done on a subconscious level it becomes automatically rather than having to consciously repeat it so it eventually becomes a subconscious belief, habit or thought.
For example; If you are offered the suggestion below, because this something that you want, you’ll accept the suggestion.
‘You will no longer feel anxious, in fact taking a few deep breaths every hour can help you to feel in control of your mind and reduce anxiety. Sooner or later you'll notice more and more how well you can cope with everyday experiences simply by noticing how well you are doing.
Services, Pricing & Plans
5 hr
A 10 week Online and Live Hypnotherapy group session to Driving Confidence
Started Feb 6
179 British pounds1 hr
100 British pounds45 min
75 British poundsAvailable for all clients who have 'finished therapy' however, benefit from regular check ins.
1 hr
40 British pounds30 min